Community Spotlight: Eloquent

Neil Doshi

Content Marketing Manager at Iron Fish

Iron Fish community member Eloquent is a regular contributor to both the English and Russian-language Discord channels, where he has helped countless users with onboarding. Read on to learn more about his crypto journey, and his predictions for the future.

Tell us about yourself — how did you get into crypto? 

My journey has been a long one: I learned about blockchain technology around 2017, and without knowing much about the emerging cryptocurrency market, bought my first Bitcoin in 2018. I rekindled my interest in 2020 and became much more active in the industry.

My path into crypto reflects my professional activity, as I’ve moved from marketing and sales to finance and a subsequent job in the Moscow KPMG office, where one of my key interest areas is financial security.

What do you predict for the future of crypto? 

It’s difficult for me to speculate on the future of cryptocurrencies. It’s a dynamic and evolving sphere, and so much depends on the length of time under discussion.

Cryptocurrencies have gained enough public attention that they will continue to win over more and more people.

I identify two main medium-term narratives:

1. Projects that focus their attention on the security and confidentiality of smart contracts, especially via zero knowledge technologies;

2. Projects that enhance the composability of existing ecosystems.

The field has developed to the point where security and convenience are now a priority, not just conceptual innovations. These will be important factors in increasing trust-levels in crypto, especially among those who still prefer traditional finance out of belief that it is somehow more “safe.”

When did you learn about Iron Fish, and what sparked your interest in Iron Fish specifically? 

I clearly remember learning about Iron Fish in the summer of 2021. It was a period of great professional uncertainty in my life and, as I read the documentation and whitepaper, I imagined the role this project could play in the world of traditional finance, where we need private transactions with high levels of security. Unfortunately, with the development of Web2, we basically lost sight of how these two concepts, privacy and security, complement each other.

Iron Fish attends to privacy and security as its founding premises, and this makes it different from other privacy coins.

Why is crypto privacy important to you? 

For me, the most important thing is the ability to move assets with privacy. Cryptocurrencies excel in transferring value, but in both the private and corporate worlds, there are situations where confidentiality is essential. This has nothing to do with illegality, but relates instead to a personal right to privacy and a business’ right to conduct confidential transactions.

What has been your experience with the Iron Fish community? 

The paramount task of any Web3 evangelist is to spread knowledge. I strive to give special attention to those just beginning, offering them a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals. After all, first steps often determine one's continued commitment to a community. As a native Russian speaker, I also make an effort to translate more advanced materials, altering the context so as to help the CIS community break down the language barrier on their path to understanding Iron Fish.

What do you think draws others to Iron Fish? 

The cryptocurrency community is a diverse one, with many different interests and passions. Some are drawn to the philosophy of Iron Fish, others to its brand, technical aspects, professional team, the trust of institutional investors, or its responsive community. It’s a combination of critical factors. For myself, I can't pick just one factor that is more important than the others.

What has your experience been like interacting with Iron Fish team members? 

I'll keep this short: these are the most responsive guys I know. I always make sure to attend every Monthly Pulse!

What makes Iron Fish different from other crypto projects you’ve dealt with? 

I’ve always been impressed by the professionalism and unity of the Iron Fish team, which I noted even during the selection process for the Voyager position. Many projects fail to provide the community with a clear understanding of their objectives and the direction they’re headed, as well as what to expect in the near future.

Iron Fish, however, has a transparent development process, a well-defined roadmap, and Monthly Pulse updates that provide a look at the recent work. The team is passionate about their project, which instills confidence. Ultimately, community confidence in the development process is critical to the successful launch and subsequent growth of a project.

Is there anything else that you’d like to share? 

Let's swim with Iron Fish, guys! ;)

To keep up with Eloquent, follow him on Twitter @ethloquent.

Join the Iron Fish community 🏃🐟 

Neil Doshi

Content Marketing Manager at Iron Fish

Neil is a Content Marketing Manager at Iron Fish

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