Media Kit

Any press is good press. Right?

Grab our official Iron Fish brand resources and learn about our usage guidelines below. Please do not deviate.

Our brand is positioned around the notion of being novel - not just in terms of the product we are creating, but in our visual aesthetic as well. Because why not. Can't find what you're looking for? Send us an email.

Logo Downloads

We provided vector versions of our logo and mark. Please do not alter or edit these files if you plan to use them in any public facing way.

Download Files
Iron Fish logo

Full Logo



Iron Fish logo

Hex Fish



Brand Guidelines

You're encouraged to use the Iron Fish guidelines when displaying the logo and marks. We'll outline different use cases of our brand assets as well as provide our brand colors.













Brand Colors

Our brand colors are chosen to be fun, playful and dynamic. Our main colors are pink, green and blue.

Logo Margins

Logo Margin

The Iron Fish logo and mark should have at minimum 32px of spacing between it and other elements.





Logo Contrast

Our logo and mark should mainly be black on a light background. When using a dark background, use white.


Example of correct logo usage


Example of incorrect logo usage

Logo Construction

Do not alter the layout of our full logo by changing the location of the hex fish in relation to the word.

Illustration Pack

We provided vector versions of our brand illustrations. Feel free to use these illustrations accompanying any Iron Fish related content.

Download Files

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