Iron Fish Ambassador Program

Elena Nadolinski

CEO & Founder @ Iron Fish

After multiple requests, we’re excited to announce the Iron Fish Ambassador Program!

Ambassadors will help run and grow our incredible community. Together with our team, Ambassadors will advance Iron Fish’s goals of usability, privacy, and decentralization for everyone. On Thursday, May 5th at 8 AM Pacific Time, our application will go live and be shared over Discord. We hope you’ll apply!

How is it run? 

There are two tiers of Ambassadors: Captains and Voyagers. The team has already selected a few incredibly impactful community members as inaugural Captains. Together, we are now looking to add up to twenty Voyagers to join the inaugural Iron Fish Ambassador program in Round One. We are keeping this inaugural group small so we manage it well before adding future rounds.

Round One will close after 500 entries, and Ambassadors will be selected by Friday, May 20th.

How will Ambassadors help the community? 

We are aware everyone has different strengths. The below points are just an idea of the responsibilities you can do to contribute to the community.

  • Writing:
    • Authoring blog posts
    • In-depth Twitter threads
    • Web articles
  • Videos:
    • Creating reviews
    • Troubleshooting & Onboarding
    • Comparison videos
  • Discord:
    • Onboarding new members
    • Answering questions
  • International:
    • Representing your country’s community and relaying information
    • Translating content
  • Operational:
    • Helping out the Iron Fish team with the Ambassador program
  • Events:
    • Hosting virtual and in-person events in your country

How do I apply? 

  • We will post the application in the #announcements channel on Discord.
  • Application process:
    • Share a public link to a ONE PAGE max document that contains links to your previous contributions to the Iron Fish community, such as: original blog posts, Twitter threads, and questions raised or answered in the Discord.
    • Why do you want to be an Iron Fish Ambassador? [3-5 sentences max]
    • What do you want to do for the ecosystem? [3-5 sentences max]
  • Make sure to add your graffiti (case sensitive), email address, and Discord name and number. Only one submission per person.
    • Note: multiple entries will be banned from any future admissions to the program.

How will Ambassadors be selected? 

We will evaluate applications based on:

  • Quality of material posted
  • Creativity of content
  • Activity (engagement) in the Discord

How will Ambassadors be rewarded? 

  • Captains and Voyagers will be given roles & colors in Discord.
  • All active members will receive NFTs in accordance with their role. This will be proof you’re an early ambassador. In the future, you’ll be eligible for special rewards with this NFT.


  • Will there be ambassadors in every language?
    • We hope to represent as many languages and communities as we can! But if there is not a strong fit for a specific language, we will wait for the next round of applications.
  • How long will this round of the program last?
    • The program will be ongoing and expand as the company grows.
  • What will happen if I don’t complete my Ambassador duties?
    • Ambassadors will be required to demonstrate community leadership, and we’ll review ambassador contributions to ensure they’re representing our team well. Iron Fish holds the power to demote roles on Discord if we feel necessary.
  • I don’t have many previous contributions to Iron Fish, should I apply?
    • If you are new to Iron Fish, you can start creating content and posting on channels now to show your involvement for our next round of Ambassadors.
  • Do you have other questions?
    • Head over to the #Ambassadors channel. And as always, be wary of scammers. No Iron Fish members will DM you on Discord. We will email winning recipients only from domains ending in

Good luck and just keep swimming!


Join the Iron Fish community 🏃🐟 

Elena Nadolinski

CEO & Founder @ Iron Fish

Elena is the Founder and CEO of Iron Fish — previously worked at Airbnb, Tilt, and Microsoft. Fell down the cryptocurrency rabbit hole in 2017. Really didn't want her insurance to know she eats pizza.

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