NetworksRelease VersioningOffline transaction signingGlossary
Hardfork Update Process


Exports the keys of the default account, or the named account if account is specified.

The spendingKey will be null in the response if viewOnly = true or if exporting a view-only account.


  account?: string
  viewOnly?: boolean
  format?: AccountFormat
  language?: LanguageKey

Supported AccountFormats

  • Base64Json: The full account and all keys as a JSON string then encoded in base64.
  • JSON: The full account and all keys as a JSON string
  • Mnemonic: The private key in 12 word format in the specified language
  • SpendingKey: The private key as a hex-encoded string.

Supported Mnemonic Languages


The RPC will serialize the account into a string of the desired format.

  account: string | null
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